Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Bill Cosby Topless Protester Speaks Out

This week former Cosby Show guest star Nicolle Rochelle ran topless and screaming in front of comedian Bill Cosby just as he was entering the court house for the first day of his retrial for 2004 sexual assault of Andrea Constand [click here if you missed that].

Nicolle explains her actions...

Nicolle Rochelle tells People Magazine
“He’s a man who’s disempowered women’s bodies for decades. It doesn’t seem to be recognized. The case is being publicized with this narrative of race. He’s being painted as the victim. I wanted to emphasize that this is about rape. I wanted to make him uncomfortable and to make people think about women’s bodies.”
“People are like why is she naked? I hope this causes people to engage more. Of course, I have no idea what Bill Cosby was thinking but I would hope that he stops for a minute and think about his own truth. At the moment, 61 women aren’t allowed to testify against him. That’s pretty appalling. The very least I could do is lend my body to this cause.”

Nicolle was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct.