Earlier this month Empowerment Temple mega-church Pastor Jamal Bryant was exposed by a woman claiming the pastor was the father of her child and that he was refusing to pay child support after initially begging her to get an abortion [click here if you missed that].
In another devastating blow, community activists PFK Boom and Shy Lady Heroin run Pastor Bryant off the block in Baltimore after he shows up to West Wednesday, a weekly protest of the murder of Tyrone West who died in police custody in 2013...
The description of the video on Youtube explains why Pastor Bryant was run off the block.
Why did Jamal Bryant finally show up to a West Wednesday after dodging and disrespecting the West Family for the last 3 years? Where was he when the family of Tyrone West first asked him to help? What happened that time Tawanda Jones (Tyrone West's sister) and Abdul Salaam were supposed to speak on a panel at Bryant's church during the Ferguson Solidarity protests in Baltimore in 2014, and he cut them from the program just minutes before it was scheduled to begin? Yeah, we still remember.