Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tiny Orders T.I. to Dump Iggy Azalea?

Earlier this year rapper T.I. revealed he was no longer in contact with his former protégé Iggy Azalea because he was tired of fighting her battles [click here if you missed that].

Is is Tip's wife Tiny the real reason he cut ties…?

Newly revealed blind item claims she is.

From Crazy Days and Nights
Blind Items Revealed
September 17, 2015
This married A list rapper/part-time reality star and recent name changer recently stopped having sex with his one hit wonder protege because his wife was fed up with her. The wife knew her husband was having sex with the one hit wonder and was fine with it but felt her husband was not getting what he deserved from the relationship so made the husband break it off. Strangest marriage ever.
T.I./Iggy Azalea