Saturday, December 12, 2015

Meek Mill Accused of Faking Drug Test

Earlier this week rapper Meek Mill attended a court hearing to determine whether or not he violated his probation by traveling to LA for the American Music Awards [click here if you missed that].

Apparently Meek is also accused of trying to fake his drug test…

According to TMZ Meek got called on the carpet because his last urine sample turned out to be a glass of cold water.

Meek claimed he was a body builder and that he drank a lot of water and protein shakes that caused his urine to look like water.

Meek's girlfriend rapper Nicki Minaj testified on his behalf claiming she wouldn't have allowed Meek to drink the shakes had she known it would compromise his urine sample.

The judge did not make a decision and Meek's case has been delayed until next week.