Monday, December 07, 2015

Max B Speaks Out From Prison

Back in 2009 Harlem rapper Max B was sentenced to 75 years in prison for his part in a kidnapping and robbery turned murder gone wrong [click here if you missed that].

Now Max is turning to fans to help him get released…

In a message posted on Max B writes
"Hello everybody, since my conviction in 2009 life for me as been an up hill battle. By the grace of God, I've been given the strength and endurance to keep moving forward. I could not do this without my family and fans so this is my gift to you.
Since my incarceration people have been using my name, my music and my image for their personal financial gain. These blogs and websites are selling Free Max B merchandise and states that the proceeds goes to my legal defense and commissary but the truth is that my family and I, had never received one penny from them. My family is fed up with all this fake supports and had now started legal procedures. is an authentic website developed and controlled solely by my family and friends. My goal is to make this the one and only official Max B website. Eventually when I get out the domain name will be changed to something more up to date but for now, the sole purpose of this website is to keep my fans updated with my case, raise some money for my legal defense and get the petition signed and reviewed by the government so I can get my conviction overturn."