Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Naomi Campbell Tries to Clean Up Her Image

Supermodel Naomi Campbell goes the great lengths to clean up her image, paying a PR firm to edit her wikipedia page…

From The Daily Mail
A top celebrity PR agency has admitted that it doctored the Wikipedia page for Naomi Campbell to present her in a more flattering light.
Sunshine Sachs said that it removed a description of the model's 1994 solo album ‘Babywoman’ on the online encyclopedia which said it was a ‘critical and commercial failure’.
A Wikipedia user identified as an employee of the firm also took out the word ‘ill-fated’ to describe a restaurant chain she invested in.
References to her past relationship with Mike Tyson were also removed, as was a mention about her convictions for assault.
Sunshine Sachs was caught out by Wiki Strategies, a blog which investigates unethical practices on Wikipedia - which can be edited by anyone.