Monday, June 08, 2015

LA Reid Says X Factor Nearly Destroyed His Taste In Music

During a recent interview music mogul LA Reid blames his time serving as a judge on X Factor for distorting is taste in music…

Reid explains,
"The first season, yes, I had a great time. It was a little bit of a vacation. I'd been making music, working at running labels for a long time, and it was a little bit of, 'Let me just have some fun. But the second season I was fully engaged trying run a label, and it wasn't fun anymore." 
"And more importantly, it really affected my taste — it almost destroyed — it It completely threw me off...But yeah, what works for television isn’t necessarily the thing that works in the traditional journey of music, so I adjusted my taste for television. But the truth is, I lowered my bar — my bar was quite high, if I’m being honest, and as a result I didn’t have the same level of success.”