Monday, December 01, 2014

Janay Rice Says God Chose Her to Bring Awareness to Domestic Violence

Back in September former Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice knocked his wife, Janay Rice, out cold after a heated argument in an Atlantic city casino elevator [click here if you missed that].

In her first interview since Ray was reinstated to the league after appealing a second suspension for his actions, Janay says she believes God choose her and Ray to bring awareness to domestic violence issues…

Janay tells The Today Show's Matt Lauer,
"I feel like God chose me and Ray for a reason, and it was definitely to bring awareness to what people are going through every day."
"Even though it’s not what I am going through every day, but it’s definitely brought this topic to the forefront... and we are OK with that."
Comes in at the 9:12 mark