Friday, October 17, 2014

Gabriel Vows to Fight Halle's Child Support Cuts

Earlier this week it was revealed that Halle Berry was requesting her child support order to Gabriel Aubry be slashed by more than 75%, after accusing her baby-daddy of abusing the system by refusing to get a job [click here if you missed that].

Sources claim Gabriel intends to fight Halle tooth and nail against the cuts…

From Radar Online
An insider tells Radar, “Gabriel is going to fight any attempt to reduce the child support payments.”
The insider adds,
“There is no proof that Gabe is abusing the system! He does still do modeling jobs. But it’s hard for him to pursue full-time work because he has joint custody of Nahla. There have been numerous modeling gigs Gabe has turned down simply because of the travel involved.”
Gabriel currently receives $16k a month for child support. Halle wants it reduced to to $3k.