Thursday, October 16, 2014

Claudia Jordan Comes for Phaedra Parks' Neck

Sish just got real.

After Real Housewives of Atlanta star Phaedra Parks makes a shady comment about new housewife Claudia Jordan to Ellen Degeneres Claudia Tweets a link to Angela Stanton's book 'Lies of Real Housewife…'

Yesterday Phaedra Parks appeared on The Ellen Degeneres show to clear the air about what she knew and didn't know regarding her estranged husband Apollo Nida's criminal activity [click here if you missed that].

After that segment Ellen and Phaedra played a game where Ellen asks Phaedra to say the first thing that comes to mind when she saw pictures of each of the housewives.

The game went like this:
Nene = genuine 
Kenya = Satan 
Claudia = Kenya Jr. 
Kandi = My buddy 
Cynthia = lapdog 
Demetria = Day Old Communion Bread. Boring as paint drying on a wall. 
Porsha = Survivor
That's when Cynthia, Demetria and Claudia fired back at Phaedra on social media.

Cynthia and Demetira kept it cute an only alluded to Phaedra by referencing their co-star's alleged affair with an African man named Chocolate but Claudia went for the jugular Tweeting a link to Angela Stanton's infamous memoir where she allegedly exposes Phaedra's former life of crime.

I'm guessing this means war.