Whoopi Goldberg's One Ho Productions is producing a new reality show starring her daughter Alexandria Martin…
From Deadline
With her three children finally in their teens and 20s, Martin is set to reinvent herself personally and professionally with the of her husband, Bernard, and their best friends, Leisa and Ron. But when her oldest daughter, Amara, decides to move back home… with her fiancé and new baby, suddenly three generations will be living under one roof – and Alex’s plans may have to be put on hold.
“I wanted to tell the story of two best friends who experience all of the major phases of a woman’s life together,” said Whoopi Goldberg. “Alex and Leisa have been friends since they were 17 and are both children of famous people, and are now approaching 40. My daughter just became a grandmother and her daughter just turned 24 and they are just trying to figure their lives out. This is really the story of an all-American family for a new generation; it looks a little different than the storybooks, but it’s filled with love and laughter.”Fun Fact: Alex Martin used to date Love and Hip Hop Atlanta's Stevie J [click here if you missed that].