Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Porsha Williams Apologizes and Defends Condemning Gays

After an old sermon by former evangelist turned reality star Porsha Williams surfaced online lumping in gays with prostitutes and people who try to commit suicide as examples of those in need of deliverance [click here if you missed that], Porsha Williams apologizes but also defends her statements…

In a video released last night Porsha tearfully explains,
"I woke up this morning and my heart was heavy. Although some people discriminate against others because of their race, their religion, the sexual orientation, we're all worthy of God's love. The sermon was shown not in its entirety, therefore the message was omitted. I apologize that those words hurt the LGBT community, my fans and my supporters. Life is a journey and I'm growing every day. I continue to encourage everyone to love unconditionally."
