Wednesday, May 07, 2014

MiMi Not Worried About Sex Tape Affecting Her Daughter

Love and Hip Hop Atlanta got off to an explosive start this season with MiMi and Nikko pulling the old 'somebody stole my sex tape' scam.

Now that MiMi is a full fledged porn star viewers want to know how her decision to sign off on the tape is affecting the daughter she shares with Stevie J…

In an interview with Hot97 in New York MiMi says the tape has no affect on her daughter whatsoever.

"She's four. It's not affecting my daughter," she explains.

Pressed on how she will explain it to her daughter once she's older and has to deal with kids teasing her about it at school MiMi scoffed,
"You know what? She’ll have to go to school with  kids getting stabbed up too, and I’ll have to explain that to her as well. It’s a whole bunch of other things in this world that are worse than mommy making love to her man.”