Thursday, May 08, 2014

Kenya Moore Robbed at the Reunion Show

Last month there were reports that in addition to being physically assaulted during The Real Housewives of Atlanta reunion show taping, Kenya Moore's dressing room had been broken into and her rolling luggage and laptop stolen [click here if you missed that].

Kenya confirms the rumors and more details come out…

 Also, sources tell Tamera Tattles
After the physical attack on Kenya by Porsha, the police were called and an officer came to make a report. After some time filming resumed without Porsha. Several breaks were taken. Things were tense. Apollo was wandering around with his boys, the other husbands were there, the ladies returned to their dressing rooms. When Kenya and Lawrence arrived in her dressing room for a break in filming and more make-up spackling, and hair styling several items were missing. Lawrence’s bag was stolen with his wallet. Kenya’s carry-on luggage with her purse and laptop inside was also gone. Nothing was missing from any of the other rooms. The police were called again and the same officer responded that took the incident report on Porsha.
The source says that Kenya’s laptop was found by police. Some guy was trying to sell the laptop on the street and he had Lawrence’s ID.