Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Jimi Hendrix Bio Pic Slammed by Critics

Last year after news leaked of a Jimi Hendrix bio-pic starring Andre 3000, the Estate of Jimi Hendrix nearly shut down production after refusing to allow any music from Jimi Hendrix to be used in the film [click here if you missed that].

Maybe 3 Stacks and his friends should have taken the hint...

The Jimi Hendrix bio-pic 'All Is By My Side' is being ripped to shreds by critics because the movie focuses on Jimi Hendrix' two girlfriends rather than his music and because Andre, at 38, is too old to play a 23 year old version of Jimi Hendrix.

Kathy Etchingham, Jimi Hendrix' real life girlfriend also hates the flick calling it inaccurate and miscast.