Thursday, September 19, 2013
Did Ray J Spaz on Whtiney Houston Cops?
Yesterday an internal complaint filed by an LA police sergeant revealed that another sergeant had allegedly made inappropriate comments after taking a peek at Whitney Houston's naked body after she was found dead at a hotel in Beverly Hills [click here if you missed that].
According to reports Ray J went ballistic on the offending officer that night, but I could have sworn Ray J said he was nowhere near the hotel with Whitney passed...
This morning TMZ reported that Ray J overheard the remarks being made about Whitney Houston and had to be restrained not once but twice from attacking the officer in question.
Interesting because I recall a month after Whitney Houston's death Bobby Brown's sister Leola Brown went on CNN and accused Ray J of being involved with Whitney's death, claiming she'd seen him on TV running away from the hotel shortly after the body was found [click here if you missed that] and then Ray J sending out a press release claiming he was in San Diego and nowhere near the hotel that night [click here if you missed that].