Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Chad Says He Loves Judge Who Jailed Him

Two weeks ago Chad Johnson was sentenced to 30 days in jail after slapping his attorney's butt in court during a probation hearing for head-butting Evelyn Lozada during their short lived marriage [click here if you missed that].

Chad was released after a week and calls the judge who jailed him a blessing in disguise...

Chad told reporters outside the jail,
"I had a lot of time to reflect. A lot of time to think about where I've been, where I am now, and where I'm going."
"A lot of people have tried to get me to slow down in life. Coaches, my agent, my lawyer. And there was one person that was able to do it. And that was my judge Ms. McHugh."
"Little does she know, I love her to death. Basically what she's been is a blessing in disguise."