Thursday, May 09, 2013

Floyd Mayweather Keeps a Stable at The Palms?

Loose lips sink ships and they tell all your business...

Sources tell Mouth to Ears
"I work at The Palms so I want to remain anonymous in order to keep my job but to keep it all the way real, Floyd is like Jesus with his 7 disciples. His number one water boy is Jacky Long. He comes up to The Palms all the time and gets free ish off the Mayweather name. He screams at employees and even causes scenes which is annoying when he isn’t even the money maker. As for the Champ, he has more than 5 women living in The Palms. Ever since that whole 50 cent and Ms. Jackson thing he has went crazy with numerous women. When he checks in to The Palms he can spend up to 3 hours visiting random women in his rooms. Also you will never catch him wearing “TMT” clothing because 50 cent owns it and refuses to give it up without payment. Who knows if he will get that payment when Floyd’s allowance is controlled by a man who DETEST 50 cent."