Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Frank Says Chris Threatened to Shoot Him

In the police report from the Chris Brown / Frank Ocean fight Frank says somebody called him a gay slur and that Chris Brown threatened to shoot him...

According to the incident report, which came out during the hearing to determine whether or not Chris Brown faked his community service hours, it was revealed that the the fight between Chris Brown and Frank Ocean did indeed start over a parking space.

In the account, provided by Frank Ocean, Frank says after asking Chris to move his car Chris extended his hand and Frank refused. That's when Chris punched Frank in the side of his head and two others jumped in. Frank says he heard a gay slur but was unsure who said it and that after the fight Chris told him "we can bust on you, too!' slang for shoot.

The Los Angeles County sheriff's office closed the investigation after Frank said he did not want to press charges.