Frank Ocean's producer offers his version of the Frank Ocean Chris Brown fight...
Michael Uzowuru was answering fan questions on Formspring and says it all started when he, Frank and a guy named Chito pulled up to the studio and saw an orange Lamborgini parked in the spot marked Frank.
The formspring questions and answers have since been deleted but according to TMZ:
“Uzowuru says they told the front desk to move the car and were informed it belonged to Chris Brown. He says Chris Brown came out 10 minutes later with a “big dude” and a “skinnier dude” — and when Frank told CB, “You parked in my spot, move” … that’s when it all went downhill.
Uzowuru says the big dude suddenly punched Chito in the face for NO REASON, adding … “Then instantly Chris and the other dude grab [Frank] and try to jump him.” He adds, “There’s no doubt in my mind the whole thing was a set up.” …Uzowuru claims CB’s buddy cornered Frank and pinned him up against a wall “while Chris was trying to beat the living “s**t” out of [him].” He says Frank fought back — throwing elbows and punches of his own.”Michael closed with saying,
“I don’t know what type of demons Chris is facing, but I hope he clears them all and finds a new life rooted in love and light.”