Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Kenya Moore Blasts Porsha Stewart

On the last episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta, Porsha Stewart insulted Kenya Moore first by asking her a ton of personal questions and then by disrespecting her crown.

Kenya gives Porsha a read...

Kenya writes on her Bravo Blog
I didn’t know what was more offensive at that awkward lunch; the barrage of inappropriate personal questions from a complete stranger, the lack of sensitivity from a self-centered, immature, shallow little girl of 31, or the poor representation of a well-respected Atlanta charity. She even manages to insult NeNe, Phaedra, and Kandi by saying, “They just show up to take pictures and leave!” I was uncomfortable but nonetheless, still agreed to attend what I thought was a respectable charity event.
Why would anyone stand in front of a crowd under the pretense of charity wearing a $4,200 dress and receive personal gifts of a $4,000 Chanel handbag and have the audacity to ask people to donate money? This tacky, deplorable spectacle literally made my stomach turn, and I no longer desired to remain a party to this and wanted to leave immediately. Once the host took the microphone and cavalierly announced my hard earned title as “Miss America,” AND once corrected rolled her eyes, I was officially disrespected and done.
Disturbingly, the host prides herself on being a glorified gold digger and self-proclaimed “princess.” She not only manages to single handedly disgrace her grandfather’s charity (The Hosea Williams Foundation), tarnish HIS legacy in one fell swoop, and spit in the face of all the people who are struggling in this RECESSION and in need of food, shelter, and immediate relief. After witnessing this distasteful spectacle, I’m sure there are many people that would never want to support such a charity if this is their representative. You can fix a lot of things, but you cannot fix stupidity.
Many people have confused my title and it doesn’t offend me. However, in this instance, the blatant disrespect and disregard for my time and accomplishments that night did not fall to the wayside. When your claim to fame rests on the laurels of someone else’s achievements, you will never understand what it is like to earn or be anything great in life, sadly limited to a wife of… or granddaughter of… embarrassment of…
The truth is, I am a part of history and proud of that FACT. The year matters not. Long after I’m gone, my title will remain.