Thursday, September 06, 2012

Woman Trying to Extort the Estate of Michael Clarke Duncan?

Actor Michael Clarke Duncan hasn't even been buried yet but a young woman named Marquea Ambrose, who claims to be his daughter, is threatening to go public if she doesn't get what she wants...

According to Always A List this 32 year old woman, who was proven NOT to be Michael Clarke Duncan's daughter years ago, has been calling Michael's family since the day he died demanding money.

Sources tell Radar Online,
“Michael did date Marquea’s mother, but he believed he was not her father. He was in the hospital for 53 days, and she never once reached out or tried to talk to him then. It was the DAY he died that she started calling his [93-year old] mother saying ‘I want what’s mine’ and trying to get money from her."
Marquea, who admits she hasn't spoken to her "father" in eleven years, is even granting interviews telling My Fox Chicago,
"The only thing that really bothers me about him passing is that we didn't fix. That's the only thing that I hate. I hate it but it doesn't bother me that I'm not mentioned."
My advice to Marquea is to talk to Autumn Jackson, the women who tried to extort Bill Cosby the same way back in 1997 [click here if you missed that]