Thursday, September 06, 2012

Judge Fires Back at Tameka Raymond

 Last week, after losing primary custody of her sons to her ex-husband Usher, Tameka Raymond filed a motion for a new trial on the grounds that Usher's attorney raised money for presiding Judge Bensonetta Tipton-Lane's re-election campaign [click here if you missed that].

In her rebuttal Judge Tipton-Lane points out Tameka's lawyers did too...

 From Sandra Rose
Judge Lane called Foster-Raymond’s Motion for recusal “baseless, unwarranted and untimely.”
She argued that “Lawyers and law firms routinely contribute to the election and re-election campaigns of both trial and appellate judges.”
And the judge pointed out that Tameka’s own co-counsel was hired by a law firm that also contributed to the judge’s re-election coffers.
Judge Tipton Lane wrote that the court “exercised overwhelming compassion” in giving Tameka leniency, such as presenting witnesses and documents out of order and refusing to identify “assets in which she currently held an interest.”
In addition, the judge wrote, Tameka asked that Usher be “ordered to give her more post-divorce money and even that he buy her a multi-million dollar home!”