Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Michael Vick Spends $300,000 to Keep His Wedding Private

You won't see any unauthorized pictures from football star Micheal Vick's wedding to fiance Kijafa Frink, at least you better not, considering Mike spent $300,000 on security alone...

From Gossip Extra
Controversial football superstar Michael Vick married longtime fiancee Kijafa Frink last night in a lavish ceremony at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach.
Security alone for the Philadelphia Eagles‘ quarterback set him back $300,000!
...with security tight — police were stationed outside the ballroom to collect the cameras and cellphones from guests – dancing was definitely on the agenda, judging by the numerous women in ball gowns filing in and out carrying four-inch stilettos and wearing flip flops.
The decor featured lots of white candles, white flowers and blinged out chandeliers.
According to a server, the menu was as down-home as the 32-year-old Vick himself: lobster and oysters and shrimp, but also chicken and waffles, something that the Fontainebleau, one of South Florida’s most expensive hotels where wedding dinners start at $185-a-plate, had never served before.