Friday, July 13, 2012

Beanie Sigel Sentenced for Tax Evasion

Philadelphia rapper Beanie Sigel was sentenced on Thursday to 24 months in prison for failing to pay taxes for three years on more than $1 million in income...

The Broadstreet Bully pleaded guilty in August 2011 for failing to pay more than $348,000 in Federal taxes for the years 2003 thru 2005.

Beans received several continuances to pay restitution but paid nothing.

Beanie ended up with a two years sentence, but it sounds like he got off lucky.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer
Prosecutors sought a three-year sentence for Sigel, describing him as a longtime criminal who has shown contempt for the law since he was a 15-year-old on the streets of South Philadelphia.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul L. Gray wrote in a sentencing memo that Sigel "has utterly failed to cooperate with the probation officer's attempts to determine his current financial condition."
"For all we know, [Sigel] has earned a significant sum of money and simply squirreled it away, out of the reach of the government. He would not even cooperate with the probation officer to permit a home visit," Gray wrote, "a most basic part of the presentence procedure."