Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Reason Lil Wayne is Mad

Yesterday Lil Wayne complained he had been treated like shit at the Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma while watching the Ok Thunder against the San Antonio Spurs [click here if you missed that].

Apparently Mr. Weezy was upset that little kids wanted to take pictures with him and because he was denied special treatment...

According to Black Sports Online after Lil Wayne's bodyguard reduced a five year girl to tears for trying to take Wayne's picture, the girl's father had words with the bodyguard who told him,
“****ing kids are taking picture of Wayne, that can’t happen.”
that's when arena security got involved who told Weezy's muscle,
"We don’t talk about kids like that in this state. I know you go to many different arenas throughout the country and they might talk like that there, and that might be permissible but not here. Take your seat.”
And then, horror upon horrors, Weezy was denied access to the players exit and had to leave through the doors with the regular folks after the game was over.