Thursday, May 24, 2012

Kanye West Flames Gabourey Sidibe

On the last night of the London stop of the Watch the Throne European Tour, Kanye West went off on people who try to put him in a box and dissed the Gabourey Sidibe's of the world...

Before launching into his new tune 'Mercy' Kanye ranted,
"And they said ‘this is the best rap show ever!’
"I said ‘the best rap show?!’"
"With all these award shows that we don’t go to no more. All this shit."
"They always try to classify you and put you in a motherf*cking box. Never let nobody box you in and tell you what you can do or what you can’t do! Or who the f*ck you are!"
then Kanye cut Mercy short at the lyric about his current flame comparing her to Gabourey. 
"Don’t do no press/ but I get the most press, kid/ plus, yo my bitch make yo bitch look like Precious."