Thursday, May 24, 2012

In the Spin Zone with Usher

Last week Usher was caught crying on the stand during his bitter child custody battle with his ex-wife Tameka Raymond and mainstream media sources reported it was because his priorities as a father were being questioned [click here if you missed that].

Turns out that was a bald face lie...

According to Atlanta Bloggers Straight from the A and Mouth to Ears, who both were in the court room that day, Usher was actually crying because his drug use had been exposed by Tameka's lawyer who was questioning him about a bizarre performance in Germany last year and subsequent canceled tour dates [click here and here if you missed that].

Plus Mouth to Ears explains why Tameka Raymond is so hot to kick Usher's new boo's ass.

Apparently Mrs. Grace Miguel used to be a close friend of Tameka's and now she's dating her ex-husband and trying to help him take her kids.

I don't know about you, but that's grounds for an ass kicking where I come from.