Monday, April 09, 2012

Mo'Nique Has Court Records Sealed

Back in December Academy Award winning actress Mo'Nique was sued by her former landlords for unpaid rent [click here if you missed that].

Mo'Nique counter sued claiming the house was uninhabitable and then, seemingly in retaliation, the landlords leaked an embarrassing email exchange between themselves and Mo'Nique's husband Sydney [click here if you missed that].

Now Mo'Nique wants to make sure nothing like that happens again...

According to reports Mo'Nique has successfully petitioned to have her court case sealed on the grounds that she is an "Oscar-winning actress, television host, and otherwise public figure" and that the nasty back and fourth was ruining her good reputation.

Mo'Nique called her former landlord's actions an invasion of privacy and insisted if the case were not sealed she would be “unnecessarily harassed, embarrassed, and the focal point of public ridicule."