Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cissy Houston Doesn't Want Rihanna for Whitney Houston Bio-Pic

Cissy Houston is said to be dead set against Rihanna starring as her daughter if the Whitney Houston story ever makes it to the big screen...

From The National Enquirer
"Over my dead body!" declared the 78-year-old, according to a source. "Cissy believes Rihanna celebrates everything she hated about Whitney's life -- the drugging, the boxing, the abusive relationship."

"Cissy does not think Whitney should be represented by someone like Rihanna," the source continued. "In spite of what anyone thought about Whitney, she sees her as a God-fearing Christian who loved the Lord."

Cissy is also dead-set against a movie being made about Whitney without family involvement because she fears outsiders would focus too much on the negative aspects of her daughter's troubled life. Cissy said IF there is a movie made about Whitney, she would insist on approving the actress," added the source. "And Rihanna certainly would NOT be on the list."