Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bobbi Kristina Planning a Reality Show?

According to reports Bobbi Kristina has reached a verbal agreement to start filming a reality show featuring herself and boyfriend Nick Gordon...

From Radar Online
The deal is expected to be finalized on paper shortly and is certain to be controversial, a source close to the project says.

“This show is being done against her family’s advice,” the source said, adding that the series is likely to be a 'train wreck' because of Bobbi Kristina’s ongoing struggle with drugs and alcohol.

In one meeting with the network Bobbi appeared to be impaired, according to the source, who said: “She was slurring her words and said: ‘I will show the world I am NOT my mother and will NOT walk in her shoes down her path,’ then seconds later would mutter, ‘My mother was just normal, completely normal, someone who did normal things. She just listened to all the wrong people--and did the wrong things.'"

The show is expected to feature Bobbi with some of the same “hangers on” who were with Whitney and will also show her controversial relationship with Nick Gordon.