Saturday, March 24, 2012

Raffels van Exel Exposed as a Drug Dealer?

Looks like the proverbial shit is about to hit the fan for Raffels van Exel. Already named the culprit behind the pictures of Whitney Houston sold to TMZ and The National Enquirer [click here if you missed that], now someone is coming forward with allegations that van Exel's real occupation is drug dealer to the stars...

From Diary of a Hollywood Street King
A man has come forward exclusively to HSK claiming he intends to file an affidavit with the Beverly Hills and Los Angeles police departments. In the affidavit this very reliable source asserts that the man known as Raffles van Exel (not his real name) was in fact the drug supplier for Whitney Houston leading up to her death.

The man coming forward resides outside of the United States and claims he has spoken to a detectives before, but at the time, his claims were “swept under the rug”. [Now] with the medical examiner and toxicology reports regarding the sudden death of Whitney Houston, being release yesterday leaving more questions than answers [his claims are being taken more seriously].