Thursday, March 15, 2012

Diamond Drops Out of Love and Hip Hop

The drama is starting before the cameras can even start rolling on Love and Hip Hop Atlanta...

Back in December when Love and Hip Hop Atlanta rumors were just getting started, Diamond, formally of Crime Mob, began making it known that she would be the 'Chrissy Lampkin' of the Atlanta group [click here if you missed that].

Sadly Diamond's hoodrat dreams went up in smoke yesterday when it was revealed that her former boyfriend Lil Scrappy and his mother Mama D had also joined the cast [click here if you missed that].

Back story: Scrappy and Diamond had a VERY messy break-up involving Soulja Boy [click here if you missed that] and Scrappy's mama [a Mama Jones - Deb Antney hybrid] is also Diamond's arch nemesis.

According to Straight from the A, it was all too much for Ms 32 Flavors and she dropped out of taping and may be facing legal action because of it.