Monday, February 06, 2012

James DeBarge Locked Up with Conrad Murray

Janet Jackson's ex husband James DeBarge is on the same cell block as Conrad Murray, the man convicted of killing her brother...

From TMZ
James DeBarge -- Janet Jackson's ex-husband -- is locked up after being arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and drug charges. DeBarge -- who was the lead singer of the wildly popular band, El DeBarge -- has been placed in Administrative Segregation -- the place where famous inmates with security issues are housed.

Murray has been calling the Ad Segregation unit home since his conviction on manslaughter charges last November.

We're told they occasionally run into each other, most recently last Monday when they were each meeting with their respective lawyers in the visiting room.

DeBarge's lawyer, Spencer Vodnoy, tells TMZ ... the singer is "really upset" he's so close to Murray. DeBarge says even though he was married to Janet for less than a year back in '84, he thought of Michael as a brother.