Sunday, February 05, 2012

Amber Rose - Loaded

Amber Rose released her second single 'Loaded' last night. Tastes like Ke$ha...


Anonymous said...

Anybody with a computer can do the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Music is sooooo much better now than it was in the past!!!! -__-

Bee Gee said...


Anonymous said...

She's like Kei$ha but boring ...

Kim Kuntrashian but uglier.....

Anonymous said...

It has all the charm of a turd.

Anonymous said...

'Ye is sumwhere clowning this bitch HARD!

blashi said...

ke$ha should for copyright infringment. smdh

Anonymous said...

I like it.

Anonymous said...

Refuse to even listen. No point.
Ain't nobody buying music she puts out.

Anonymous said...

not even physically attracted to this broad anymore

Anonymous said...

I loved it. It was good. I could see a remix and it would be on and popping for spring break and summer.

Anonymous said...

Not a bad beat...

Anonymous said...

anyone with a mister microphone can make an album.
go away ho!

Ingmar's Prophetess said...

Man, I thought this bitch said she was making some hella beats. We did better shit than this in 4th grade music class.


Anonymous said...

Ho's turning into singers now, what else is new?

meridianobrien said...

I'm indifferent when it comes to liking or disliking Amber. I gave here the benefit of the doubt checked it out. WTF was this? Most people that like this type of club ish are teens and 20 something white girls, latinas, and asians. Even they would say, GTFOH with that mockery of their genre.

Anonymous said...

Don't be tardy for the party...

Anonymous said...

Don't be tardy for the party...mixed with Nikki Minaj


If we could spring a leak we'd most certainly drown this bitch

Anonymous said...

If this retarded shit sounds good to you, you're probably a 12 year old from the u.k.

Anonymous said...

The beat is hot....she is bitin off Ke$ha though..cant say I'll be running to itunes to download!

_-__♥►•♔══☆24hrCelebrityGossip/IG -*-☆══♔♥ said...

is this bitch for real?

ThatBKChick said...


Anonymous said...

wish they would print a Charmin sponsored paper version of this so I could wipe my ass with it...

Anonymous said...

Ehh,....I'd fuck Ho's to it....

Anonymous said...

This is called "talk sing"

Anonymous said...

@ 7:55 LMAO!

Anonymous said...

so now, She and Wiz are beyoncce and J....delusional!

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain this cheap ass Album cover?

Anonymous said...

Well...if Antoine Dodson can record a slow song...

Anonymous said...

in 2 years she'll be back on the

Anonymous said...

i agree if she didn't have light skin and a butt,she would be obsolete

Anonymous said...

Um This doenst sound like ke$ha, this sounds like a parody of ke$ha(n not a funny one either)....good luck with tha album amber.....

Anonymous said...

Is this shit for real?

Anonymous said...

Maybe my speakers are fucked up...cause that was terrible!

Anonymous said...

SECOND?! Wow, ignorance sure is bliss.

Anonymous said...

4:09, 6:16, LMAO. It does have Kesha written all over it, and that's no compliment. The sad truth is, if Nikki Minaj or Rihannoreah released this, it would be the #1 single in the country.

Quianaj27 said...

What the hell.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least she offers the public some great comedy, at least she's giving us something to laugh and frown at.
So on the positive side we can say she's being paid that easy entertainer money to be like a court jester or a fool like the three stooges.
She's being paid to entertain us with tomfoolery

Anonymous said...

Wow there are no words to really say how I feel about this song. I bet Kanye is somewhere laughing his ass off. She sounds like a whining little girl keep the baby talk in the bedroom Amber it doesn't work the same way in music. You may have been loaded but you ain't shooting nothing but blanks with this track and I am pretty sure the same will be said for future tracks. Ugh next!

Newts said...

All the ladies from RuPaul's drag race have had a single out, I'm glad Amber Rose finally took her turn.

JaKayla said...

@ 8:25- i'm serious. that'd be more useful to the world than this bull. "think i need a man for that? please, i'm LOADED"
-_- bald bitch, please. find a religious superior and have a pew. men, (or rappers in need of a beard or are too smoked out to realize your Cailou looking ass was a gold digger) were your come and will continue to be your STAY up! oh, you loaded alright....full of it. and it ain't money, sweetie.

Anonymous said...

@11:14 plz neither Rhi or Minaj would release anything this vapid--wel minaj would, but anyway... no.

Anonymous said...

Pure garbage. 10 seconds in and it gave me a headache. This bitch's voice is annoying. She sounds like a little baby talking. I just can't take this serious.

Anonymous said...

I am so mad at the Calliou comparison!!! LOL

AlWell said...

Although the beat is super common it's tolerable. I think it's Amber's talk voice that I don't like. I wish her well though.

Anonymous said...

she should do modeling and nothing else.

Anonymous said...

LMAO @1:55.....I thought it was okay. I could see it being played in a club.

Anonymous said...

^^^^^^that's me @ 1:43....i'm dyslexic. I meant 5:51, LMAO!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The black eyes peas is gonna sue her for still there music beats

Anonymous said...

sounds like she stole the beat from LMFAO.

Anyone(amateur or professional) with Reason, Live or Digidesign can make beats these days and call themselves a "musician."

Anonymous said...

except she looks better than ke$ha...