After the Sundance Film Festival screening of Spike Lee's new film 'Red Hook Summer' Spike Lee lost it while explaining why he chose to finance the film himself...
During the Q&A period following the screening, comedian Chris Rock asked Spike Lee if he would have shot 'Red Hook' differently if he'd had financial backing from a Hollywood studio and that's when Spike went off,
"We never went to the studios with this film, Chris. I told you, I TOLD you. I bought a camera and said we're gonna do this motherfucking film ourselves! I didn't want to hear no motherfucking notes from the studio telling me about what a young 13-year-old boy and girl would do in Red Hook. Studio executives know nothing about black people -- nothing!"Spike Lee finished up the Q&A and apologized for his rant telling the audience,
"Sorry for that motherfucking tirade,"