Monday, January 23, 2012

Soundgarden Front Man Calls Kanye Retarded

Kanye West ran nearly an hour behind for sound check at the Big Day Out Music Festival in Australia over the weekend, causing his music to be heard while Soundgarden was on. Soundgarden front man Chris Cornell was not amused...

Soundgarden fans began booing loudly as Kanye's music overpowered their show, prompting Chris Cornell to tell the crowd,
"Sounds like there’s children playing music there, retarded children, retarded as in held back. There’s no other word for it."

And Chris wasn't the only one mad. They say Kanye's own fans booed the shit out of him for being late.

Concert organizers released a statement in Kanye's defense,
"Stop picking on Kanye - the technical problems that delayed his start time by 45 minutes were from rain damaging our equipment.

"The fact that he had the biggest crowd of the day and delivered an incredible performance with the huge crowd staying to the end of set even though it was 45 minutes later than scheduled is a testament to what a great artist he is."