Saturday, January 07, 2012

Nas and the Angola Incident

About that American concert promoter who got kidnapped in Angola after Nas pulled a no-show for a concert [click here if you missed that]: They worked it out and Nas agreed to send back his $300,000 advance in exchange for the promoter's release. The problem now is the kidnappers tacked on an additional $50,000 tax and Nas is refusing to pay it...

From TMZ
Nas' concert promoter who was kidnapped at gunpoint in Angola is still stuck in the country -- caught in a legal stalemate between Nas and the guy who allegedly kidnapped him .. and it's getting worse by the day.

TMZ broke the story ... Patrick Allocco -- a U.S. concert promoter who booked an Angolan New Year's Eve show starring Nas -- was kidnapped after the Angolan concert promoter sent Allocco a $300,000 advance for Nas and the rapper ended up being a no-show.

We've learned Allocco -- who was released from custody but is still prohibited from leaving the country -- sent Nas the $300k, but now the Angola promoter wants not only the $300,000 back, but an additional $50,000 in expenses.

Here's the deadlock. Nas is willing to send $300,000, but not the addition $50 grand. In addition, before Nas sends ANY money, he wants a letter from both Allocco and the Angolan concert promoter -- releasing him from any liability.

So there's a stalemate. And Allocco is stuck in a foreign land.