Thursday, January 19, 2012

Jay Z Sets the Record Straight

A poem credited to Jay Z recently made the rounds claiming Jay had swore off using the word bitch since the birth of his daughter. Once and for all the shit is not true...

Jay tells NY Daily News,
"That poem and story are fake,"

And in case you missed it, here's the fake poem,
“Before I got in the game, made a change, and got rich,

I didn’t think hard about using the word Bitch.

I rapped, I flipped it, I sold it, I lived it

now with my daughter in this world

I curse those that give it.

I never realized while on the fast track

that I’d give riddance to the word bitch, to leave her innocence in tact.

No man will degrade her, or call her out her name

the women won’t despise her and call her the same.

I know it’s gonna miss me

cuz we been together like Nike Airs and crisp tees

when we all used to hang out front

singing 99 problems but a lady ain’t one.

Excuse me miss, can I be your mister

cuz I can tell the difference from a little girl and a sister,

She never grew up, her father left her alone

I promise not to talk like we used to

until Kingdom Come.

I’m so focused on your future,

The degradation has passed

I wish you wealth, health, and insight

forever young you may pass.

Blue Ivy Carter, my angel.”