Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Chris Rock Wilds Out on Camera Guy

Chris Rock went ballistic on a camera guy after getting ambushed with political questions...

From Page Six
Don’t ask Chris Rock about Newt Gingrich. The comic destroyed a videographer’s camera at Tao at Sundance, the scene of a Google bash and Jonny Lennon’s 4am Funday soiree, in the early hours of Monday when he was ambushed with a string of political questions after being asked to pose for a picture. A spy tells us, “A guy walked up to Chris and his entourage and said, ‘Hey, could I get a photo of you with my girlfriend?’ When he turned around, he found a video camera in his face, asking him about Gingrich.” Another spy said: “Chris pushed the interviewer and grabbed the camera. He smashed it so hard, it broke into pieces. He cursed the guy for filming when he had asked them to stop.” Another witness said that after smashing the camera, Rock asked him, “Did you get your shot?” Security escorted the video guy out, and Rock left peacefully, we’re told. Rock’s rep declined to comment last night.