Friday, January 13, 2012

Brandy Found Love

Brandy doesn't exactly have a great track record when it comes to dating. There was the fiasco with her publicly pining for Kobe Bryant after they attended her high school prom together and him totally ignoring her. Then there was the time she tattooed NBA player Quentin Richardson's face on her back, only to break up with him months later. Then Flo-Rida dumped her and immediately started dating Eva Mancil. And who can forget that big lie she told for years about being married to her child's father? Well that's all in the past because Brandy got a man...

Brandy tells Wendy William,
"He's not an actor, he's actually in music publishing. I am (in love) - finally! He's not older than me, he's one year younger than me (but) he's very mature. He doesn't (have children) but he loves Sy'rai, he loves my daughter."

Good for you, Brandy. Good for you.