Monday, December 26, 2011

The World May Never Know

If you're sitting around waiting for Kobe and Vanessa Bryant's divorce to be final so you can find out who gets what, you're going to have to get a new hobby. Kobe and Vanessa are doing their thing through private mediation, which means the terms of their divorce settlement are never going to make it to public record...

From The LA Times
Attorney Peter Walzer said that in private mediation cases, neither party can use what is said during mediation in a court of law. Although they would each have documentation of the settlement, the details do not have to be filed in court.

"The only document that would be in the public file is the Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage," Walzer said.

The couple seems to be attempting to keep details of their divorce out of the public eye. They released a joint statement last week saying that they had "resolved all issues incident to their divorce privately."

The couple did not have a prenuptial agreement, Vanessa Bryant's mother previously told a Times reporter. If true, she would be entitled to half of their community property.

Some estimates put Kobe Bryant's net worth at $150 million. Legal experts said Vanessa Bryant will probably receive at least $75 million in addition to ongoing spousal and child support.