Saturday, December 03, 2011

Rihanna Booed in London

For the second time in as many months [click here if you missed that], Rihanna got booed by fed up fans for showing up late...

From Digital Spy
Rihanna left fans angry after she came on stage an hour late in London last night (December 1).

The singer was due to begin her 'Loud' tour show at The O2 arena at 9pm, but fans were stood waiting until 10pm before the star began her set list.

An angry concert-goer told Digital Spy: "She didn't come on till 10, leaving the audience waiting an hour. She then got booed and her singing was rubbish.

"The show was unnecessarily raunchy and inappropriate. When we left halfway through the show, along with loads of other people, staff were handing out information on making complaints."

The 23-year-old was jeered over a similar situation at The O2 last month, when she left her audience waiting 55 minutes before starting her show.