Monday, December 12, 2011

Beyonce Has Her Day In Court

Testimony from the latest hearing in Beyonce's $100 million breach of contract suit [click here if you missed that], indicate Beyonce only walked away from the deal after the company tried to diminish her stake in the franchise at the last minute...

From The NY Daily News
The case focuses on a $100 million deal that Beyonce was negotiating with Gate Five LLC for an interactive videogame. Viewers imitating her in front of a screen would get praise or advice from the singer in her voice.

Gate Five accused Beyonce of a “double cross” by pulling out of the talks at the last minute and demanding a sweeter contract.

However, according to the transcript, Beyonce withdrew from the talks when she learned that Gate Five was proposing at the last minute to eliminate her 40% ownership stake in the franchise.

It's a completely different deal. We're talking apples and oranges here," Siev said.