Monday, November 21, 2011

Gayle Wants Her Match Maker Case Dismissed

Remember back in September when that millionaire matchmaker sued Orpah's bff Gayle King, claiming Gayle promised her an appearance on Oprah's talk show in exchange for a hook-up that never materialized [click here if you missed that]? 

Well, Gayle wants the suit thrown out, and not because she didn't promise the appearance, but because it wasn't in writing...

From TMZ
Gayle King wants the lawsuit filed against her by a prominent matchmaker thrown out of court -- and it's all because she says she never signed on the dotted line.

According to docs filed in federal court in California this week, King says the entire lawsuit has no merit because California law states that oral contracts -- which is what Orly claims they had -- involving "dating services" are void and unenforceable.

A hearing on King's motion to dismiss is scheduled for January 9, 2012.