Friday, October 28, 2011

Usher Attacked in Atlanta

Usher had a bizarre encounter in the Little Five Points section of Atlanta this week after he was attacked by a woman enraged because he parked in a handicap parking space...

From TMZ
Usher was bull-rushed in the middle of a crowded parking lot in ATL last weekend -- by an angry woman looking to fight the singer for parking in a handicap spot ... and TMZ has the footage.

Eyewitnesses tell us .. Usher had just arrived to the Little 5 Points Halloween Parade (hence the guy in the Elvis costume) when the woman saw U's SUV parked in a handicap spot.
We're told the woman demanded the singer move his car -- but Usher refused and she went ballistic ... screaming, flailing her arms, and grabbing Usher's hoodie.

At one point, she screams, "You don't belong here!"

Sources say the woman's husband eventually dragged her away from the scene -- and Usher drove away not long after.

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