Monday, October 17, 2011

Reporter Describes Lap Dance From Rihanna

A female reporter describes being snatched on stage for a lap dance from Rihanna and how RiRi got all touchy feely with the boobs....

From The Evening Standard
"Any boys in there want a lap dance... or any girls?" came the cry. I don't remember thrusting my arm up, but I must have done because the next thing I know Rihanna points at me and says: "You, with the short hair", and I'm hoisted on to the stage by two topless male dancers.

"Oh god," I thought. "Ohgodohgodohgod." She took my hand, walked me to a large circular bed that had miraculously appeared on stage and flung me on to it.

I didn't have time to consider the people watching because in the blink of an eye Rihanna had pushed me down, mounted me and begun to perform what I imagine you have to pay A LOT extra for at Stringfellows.

I wanted to put on a bit of a show, this was my moment, God damn it. But I couldn't possibly take liberties with Ri Ri. So I pretended to run my hand up and down her sweat-dripping, semi naked body - by that point she'd ditched the suit for a black leather bikini. Rihanna, however, was up for it.

She grabbed my hand and slammed it on to her left breast. That gave me all the permission I needed to, as Rihanna would say, "Go hard." I grabbed her waist and tossed back my head as she knelt over me, two fantastic breasts in my face. We started slowly spinning, there was a loud kerthunk and I suddenly realised the bed had dropped down under the stage.

Rihanna smiled, winked and scarpered. I was picked up by two security men and escorted back to my place in the crowd. By the time I could re-engage with the show she was straddling an enormous pink tank.