Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Micheal Jackson Trial Turns Gruesome

Yesterday, during the televised court proceedings of Dr. Conrad Murray's manslaughter trial, a naked picture of Michael Jackson's dead body was briefly shown on screen...

The photo, which had blacked out the singer's genital area, showed Jackson lying on his back on an autopsy table after he died at age 50 in 2009.

A close-up also showed the singer's arm with the remnants of an IV hook-up and medical tape.

The images were displayed during the testimony of forensic pathologist Christopher Rogers, who performed the autopsy and determined that Jackson died of a overdose of the powerful anesthetic propofol.

Rogers said he determined the cause of death was homicide because of the way Murray used propofol improperly and because it was implausible that Jackson administered the fatal level during the two minutes Murray says he stepped away.