Monday, September 19, 2011

Damon Dash Cleared on Illegal Liquor Charges

Last week the city of New York served a restraining order to 172 Duane street, the former location of Damon Dash's media space 'DD172', ordering them to stop selling liquor without a license [click here if you missed that].

This week the restraining order has been dismissed and no further action will be taken. Dame moved out of the space in June....

From The Village Voice
A source close to the proceedings told the Voice that if Dash had still been the tenant at the time the city served the papers, there would have been more of a chance of his having to pay fines. As it stands now, no one has to pay anyone anything.

Dash's lawyer Joshua Seidman told us that the city had never served his client any papers and that "selling liquor was never a part of the business model of that location." (Two police documents from April and May obtained by the Voice list Dash by name on reports of an illegal bottle club/alcohol warehousing.) Seidman added that "the company hasn't operated out of that premises since the beginning of summer."

The owners of the property, and their representation, didn't appear in court yesterday. It still isn't clear why the city chose to take action when it did, a full three months after DD172 moved out.