Sunday, August 07, 2011

Lauryn Hill Verbally Abusive Toward Her Band

The same guy who's suing Lauryn Hill for back pay [click here if you missed that] has amended his lawsuit to include verbal abuse...

From TMZ
Professional guitar player Jay Gore has filed new legal docs in his war with Hill -- in which he claims she stiffed him out of thousands of dollars after playing Hill's tour.

In the docs, Gore says Hill was a total monster backstage -- claiming she "exhibited the type of behavior for which she had gained public notoriety which contributed to a hostile work environment."

Gore says, "After shows, Hill would demand that the musicians and road support personnel attend meetings where she would engage in a person-by-person critique and berating."

He continues, "At one point, Hill made a statement in front of the tour personnel to the effect that 'I can't believe I am paying you fools, you should be paying me.'"